Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sorry, inter-space!

Woah, it's been a while! Sorry about that.

I have no excuse. I knew I'd drop the ball. But I came back, unlike the other five blogs I previously started. Ha.

In truth, school began eating me alive. This previous semester suffocated me. I had so much to do all the time, and it was never good enough for any of my professors (Thanks, OU!) but I managed to get through somehow passing all of my classes.

I have started summer classes already, as well as an internship! G$ and I are going to Chicago in three weeks, I could not be more excited to get away and spend some time with my love. We are going with a friend and his lady, who has never been. So, it will be a great experience showing her all of our favorite places he and I have discovered in the previous times we went together.

I hope to continue writing and maintaining a productive regularity on here, but who knows. I cannot make any promises or guarantees.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Finals are mostly over!

I have been so stressed for the last week. I have my accounting final yesterday morning, and I successfully managed to pull off a 2.0 in the class which means I do not have to retake it!!! Today I had the remainder of my finals, which I think/hope will turn out just as successful. We shall see!

I have been stress eating like it's nobody's business. I need to find my way back to the right track. I did pretty ok today, I had my allotted fruits and most of my veggies, but lots of carbs on top of those too. Phooey! I have been feeling pretty crummy since Sunday night so I think part of it was comfort eating as well. Hopefully tomorrow I will be back on track.

A friend at work introduced me to this VPF or something like that which is a dehydrated tofu product and it wasn't too bad. It had a similar texture to barley if I had to compare it to anything. I'll have to give it a shot in some homemade things of my own. I'd love to introduce my family to it.

When I told my mom about the Biggest Loser diet and what it's all about, she seemed very interested which is exciting to possibly have someone around almost 24/7 to watch me. I shouldn't need babysitting but everyone needs a cheerleader. From an exchange of emails, it sounded like she ordered me one of their cookbooks which I know from some of the research I have done includes calorie counts, how many carbs/protiens/ect.

I thought I should throw a quick update in here since I haven't been around for a week. Hopefully once things settle this week, I will be back on track and let everyone know how it's still going. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"I'm a dirty boy."

No, I am not a boy. But it was the first thing that popped into my head when I thought about what a HORRIBLE eater I have been this last week.

As of Wednesday, I decided to not keep track of what I was putting in my mouth because of the holiday and have all sorts of family in town and around. Bad choice, I know. So, I said that as of yesterday I would be back on track. I did very well yesterday, and then there was today...

I knew today was going to be a long one. I have been at school since 9:45am. It is now 5:11pm, and I still have another four hours and twenty minutes. Ugh! So I decided to have Subway for lunch, thinking this will be a good choice. I purchased a foot long with the intentions of eating half for lunch and saving the rest for dinner which I have. But when I logged onto Livestrong's My Plate to help keep track of my calories, and entered in everything that was on my sub (Ham, Provolove, veggies and vinegar) I couldn't believe how many calories that was! Granted it was split into two meals but HOLY CRAP! I'm sure it was realistically the bread that did me in (and the cheese) but wow.

Does anyone have any good ideas on how to cut more carbs out of my diet? I know it should just be "don't eat them" but it isn't that's simple! I thought it was but as I've kept track I can't believe how many I still consume.

On a non-food related topic, it was so nice to have all the family in town for Thanksgiving/Grandma's birthday. I miss everyone already. Esp. the babies!!!! I hardly get to see them so Grant and I were talking about FINALLY making it down to NC to visit.

Monday, November 30, 2009


First and foremost, I would like to thank those of you who have taken time out of your day to actually read the things I ramble here. I am so surprised when someone says to me that they have read my blogs and I am truly grateful for the time you take out of your day to visit my blog.

With that being said, help! I have been slacking on my daily goal of donating 10 pieces of free kibble to animals in a shelter. If you visit and answer their daily question, you help donate 10 pieces of kibble to a dog in a shelter whether you answer it right or wrong. With the economy in the situation it is in, these animals need our help. There is also a link to a site that feeds cats as well. So please, help me catch up and feed a hungry dog or cat!!!! It only takes 30 seconds, maybe a minute.

Thank you for either reading (again) and/or visiting I'll update about my eatings over Thanksgiving tomorrow, it won't be pretty!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I have found my blogging purpose

I have been snooping my way through people's blogs all over blogger and realized my blogging destiny-to write about my weight loss process.

Tacky, yes. Helpful, probably.

With the help of some friends and the support of everyone else, I am going to make this happen. My real motivation has been the 10lbs I recently lost between playing rugby again and eating healthier. I even gave up my drug of choice-Diet Coke. In fact, with the exception of an unintentional oops, I haven't willingly drank any type of soda in almost three weeks. It's been iced tea, juice and lots of water for me! And the result was an astonishing 10 pounds in three months, and six of those were lost after the last rugby game of the season. So, I must be doing something right.

I'll try to write about my struggles, downfalls and uphill battles-I'm sure there will be many. This will be a place for me to admit my wrongdoings and shamefully face them because if I don't do it now I never will later down the road. I'm tired of putting it off. This is like quitting smoking, if I wasn't willing to do it now I most likely never would and I successfully did that. Now it's time to quit eating like an addict and start making better choices. I want to live for a long time and I refuse to let my weight be my downfall.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A brief sigh of relief

I have been freaking out since I've taken my accounting midterm that I would not pass the class. While my professor is very nice, she is a harsh grader (my adviser even agreed, but we will get there momentarily) and not a very good teacher. It seems that more and more people that can do are being hired in to educate young minds but in the end turn out to be poor educators.

Anyway, I met with my adviser today. I explained the situation to him ("She gave one of the guys in my class zero points on a written problem because he put the title and company in the wrong spots at the top of his income statement while everything else was right.") and asked the scary question, "Should I end up failing this class, how far behind will it put me?" To my grateful surprise, he assured me that it might set me up to have to fight for classes next semester, but it will not set me back on the future planned schedule he and I sat down and created at the beginning of this semester. Sometimes I feel like every time I take one step forward to graduating and having a life plan, OU is pushing me two steps back. I will get there though, soon enough! Graduation is actually within reach now, I have a plan and a schedule to abide by. My life is going to be ok!

In other news, I actually have a Friday night off and G$ and I are going to the Lion's game Sunday against the Cleveland Browns. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving, it sounds like we'll be going to the parade this year and then heading back to my house to feast on delicious turkey dinner and mashed 'taters.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Well, here I am again...

Attempting to blog again. I'm never very good at these. I start them and then drop the ball because something else takes over (typically school).

Who am I?
No one special. I'm a college junior, attempting to get a degree in marketing. I have wonderful, supporting family and friends. A fabulous boyfriend who makes it his job to take care of me. I sometimes love my school, only when it's loving me back. Otherwise, it is usually making my life very difficult. I have a great job, an even better boss. I play rugby for an opposing school, merely because my academic facility does not have a girls team. Thankfully, a previous teammate from high school allowed me to play under her direction and am happily rucking and mauling again.

I will probably complain a lot about school and the people (ahem, idiots) that attend many of the classes I do, as well. I love to make people laugh but it's usually through my sarcasm but that can get lost in text.

Well, here goes nothin....with me luck!